Pharaoh Ants And How To Protect Your Home From Unwanted Visitor
About Pharaoh Ants:
- Appearance: These small yellow or light brown ants measure about 1/16 inch in length.
- Behavior: They are notorious for establishing large colonies with multiple queens, making them difficult to eradicate once they’ve infiltrated a space.
- Habitat: Pharaoh ants prefer warm indoor environments such as kitchens, bathrooms, and wall voids.
Protecting Your House from Pharoah Ant Infestation:
- Keep it Clean:
- Regularly clean kitchen surfaces including countertops & floors
- Store food items in sealed containers
2 .Eliminate Entry Points:
Seal cracks around windows , doors & utility lines
3.: Remove Attractants :
Wipe up spills promptly; keep pet food stored securely
4 : Professional Pest Control Services :
If you suspect an infestation of these persistent insects seek professional help immediately rather than attempting DIY methods which may exacerbate the problem
5.- Avoid Over-the-counter Pesticides::
Using inappropriate pesticides might cause the colony to split into smaller ones leading further spread throughout home
6 :: Address Moisture Issues ::
Repair any leaks or moisture problems within household areas like bathroom sinks etc., since dampness attracts these creatures
Remember – Prevention is key when dealing with pest issues!